Bossman’s 4-in-1 bar soap is your one-stop-shop for all things clean. Be warned, however, once you try out our exfoliating, nourishing, and cleansing bar soap you won’t want to buy anything else.
Unlike other soaps, ours has absolutely no foaming agents that strip and dry out your beard, hair, or skin of its all important natural oils. Leave yourself clean, moisturized and ready to begin stage two of the 4-step beard care process by prepping with this one-of-a-kind soap.
Lavender Patchouli Scent
This was our first scent and what some consider the "OG" scent.
Eucalyptus Tea Tree
Our beard shampoo and mens bar soap is infused with just the right touch of carefully selected essential oils like Eucalyptus, Tree Tea, Lemongrass, and Lime. It creates a manly scent that's clean, yet seductive and perfect for close encounters.
4.5oz. Bar
Can be used on your body, hair and face.
Soap not only cleans and moisturizes it also helps with skin irritations:
* Eczema
* Acne
* Dandruff
* Psoriasis